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Subject: BlackBerry 8800 [Print This Page]

Author: bb818    Time: 19-10-2007 01:39 AM     Subject: BlackBerry 8800

Unlike the BlackBerry 8100 Pearl, pics, specs and launch details of the BlackBerry 8800 slipped from RIM's grasp a lot sooner than most would expect. In fact, as early as August 8800 info started to trickle down. Then in September a host of photos hit the web by storm. Companies such as Samsung (Blackjack) and Motorola (Norman) were smiling ear-to-ear as it was just what they had hoped for!

RIM's original market, where they created the very first 'Crackberry' addicts was with QWERTY. Yes, it was their first phone-enabled qwerty 5810 that started it all back in early 2002. Recently with Samsung's Blackjack launched around the same time as RIM's Cingular Pearl and also before the Blackberry 8800 of which I've learnt will launch earlier than original plans. There’s a lot more details we've received as of yesterday, some surprising. However, PinStack’s aim is NOT to have Motorola, Nokia, Samsung, Microsoft etc smiling any more than they have been since August or before. We will only share what's already out there, at least until official launch dates are released.

A lot will be riding on the shoulders of the BlackBerry 8800 launch! RIM's QWERTY market share or the market share that Nokia, Motorola, Samsung, Microsoft etc are starving for is at a crucial point. BlackBerry's PUSH isn't as unique as in past years and the 8800 will have to deliver more than ever on the basics that RIM perfected in the 7200 and 8700 series; general reliability, OS stability, battery longevity, seamless email services, durability and ease of use. Once launched, will RIM maintain its grip on the QWERTY Corporate Market? Will they be able to compete with the Blackjack which seems to be drafting in consumers to the QWERTY market? How about the Motorola Norman will it make the jump to US shores or maybe after some modifications already in progress?

Let's compare the latest QWERTY market offerings with coming 8800's:

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