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Subject: jar files [Print This Page]

Author: eletto1987    Time: 13-7-2008 01:25 AM     Subject: jar files


I need some help with jar files on BB.

I create a new folder in the BB folder.

I put there the jar file i want to load

Turning on the BB,i go to multimedia and i load the jad application ("download" command)

But at the end of the load,it says that "load failed"

How can I solve the problem?

Yhanks for the help,and sorry for my bad english
Author: bbtheme    Time: 13-7-2008 08:58 AM

u need  install alx/cod to  BB, but is not jar, so long as downloads  alx/cod , installs your BB through DM;
Author: abhikesbhat    Time: 13-7-2008 04:02 PM

Only some jar/jad files will work on your blackberry, it happens to me a lot

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