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Subject: Attachments can not be downloaded
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Post at 22-1-2009 08:27 PM Profile Blog P.M.

Attachments can not be downloaded

Attachment: Your usergroup does not have permission to access attachments Or attachments have hidden Unless Replying this Thread can demonstrate.

This may be because:

1. Download link address by the author to hide, you only need to respond to the Subject will be displayed download address.

2. : Downloading contents from this forum will consume beans;What are Beans? How to get beans?

Help Documentation

How To Download Attachment: Reply to the thread by scrolling to the bottom of the page and click the "Reply” button on the bottom right hand side of the page. You will then be taken to another page where you can put your reply comments in the Text Field, once you have written your comments, scroll down and click on the "Post New Reply" button.

At this point you will be forwarded to your reply comments; from here you need to go back to the first page of the thread in order to now see the download link. Under you reply comments to the left you will see the page numbers of the amount of pages of reply, click on the page 1 button, if you do not see page 1 button then there will be a < button and also a << button, click on the < button to go to the first page of the thread, now where it use to say attachment hidden to non repliers will now be a download link.

I Have Downloaded The File But It's Not A zip/rar File: If you have downloaded a file and it is just a plain White file that does not look like a typical compressed file (zip/rar), what you will need to do is:

1: Click on the Start Button

2. Open My Computer (On Vista Or 7 This will just be Computer)

3. You will see a Menu Bar at the top, click Tools then click Folder Options. (On Vista and 7 you will first need to press the ALT button on your keyboard to see the hidden menu bar)

4. Click on the View Tab

5. Find the check box for "Hide extensions of known file types" and un-check it

6. Now find the downloaded file which does not appear to be a compressed (zip/rar) File

7. Right click on the downloaded file and click Rename

8. At the end of the file name add (.zip Or .rar) if you are not sure which one to add go back to the download page and you will see the file name and it will end with either (.zip or .rar). Example you downloaded a file called "MyGame" which does not appear to be a compress file, when you right click and Rename the File you should not end up with a file name of ""

9. You will be prompted by Windows that you are trying to change the File Extension, Click OK and accept.

I Cannot Extract The File, I Get An Error Of Archive May Be Corrupted Or Path And File Name Exceeds Limit: If you are using WinRar when you right click to extract the file, choose the "Extract Here" option instead, if you are using WinZip choose the "Extract To Here" Option instead.

Also try to place the file on your desktop when extracting to minimize the file path name length. If this does not work then when downloading the file choose to Open the file instead of Saving it, when choosing this option you will need to browse to find the WinZip or WinRar .exe file and the default program to open these types of Files with.

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Post at 5-2-2009 11:14 PM Profile P.M.
thanks for your help, that's the right thing i'm looking for


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Post at 9-2-2009 09:42 AM Profile P.M.
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Post at 9-2-2009 10:48 PM Profile P.M.
Thanks for the help!
Rank: 1

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Post at 11-2-2009 05:26 AM Profile P.M.
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Post at 11-2-2009 08:58 PM Profile P.M.

I'm confused :D
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Post at 12-2-2009 06:37 AM Profile P.M.
OK really
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Post at 16-2-2009 10:34 AM Profile P.M.
This is very confusing but I guess I'll give it a try...
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Registered 18-2-2009
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Post at 18-2-2009 12:38 PM Profile P.M.
tank you

Originally posted by mistabyggs at 25-1-2009 01:24 AM
I'm confused as to how this works. Guess I'll have to try to google this game for a download.

tank you this great apor t
Rank: 2

Registered 21-2-2009
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Post at 21-2-2009 10:12 AM Profile P.M.
ill try it.

thanks for the guide.

really helps for noobs like me :)

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